
2025-02-14 17:09:52 | 谋考网









专业会计与企业管治(Master of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance)---
中国企业管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in China Business)---
中国法与比较法(Master of Laws in Chinese and Comparative Law )---
中国研究(Master of Arts in China Studies)---
中文(Bachelor of Arts in Chinese)---
中文(Master of Arts in Chinese)---
亚洲及国际研究(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Asian and International Studies)---
人力资源管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management)---
仲裁及争议解决学(Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution)---
仲裁和调解纠纷法学(LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution)---
会计(Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy)---
传播与新媒体(Master of Arts in Communication and New Media)---
信息工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering)---
信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management)---
信息系统管理(Master of Science in Information Systems Management)---
先进科技及管理学(Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management)---
全球商业管理(MA in Global Business Management)---
全质量安全监控工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Total Quality Engineering)---
公共政策与政治(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Politics)---
公共政策及管理(Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management)---
创意媒体(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media)---
创意媒体(媒体文化)(MA in Creative Media(Media Cultures))---
创意媒体(管理艺术和媒体)(MA in Creative Media(Curating Art and Media))---
创意媒体硕士(MFA in Creative Media)---
制造系统工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering)---
发展研究(Master of Social Sciences in Development Studies)---
商业分析(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analysis)---
商业经济(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics)---
商业营运管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Operations Management)---
商务信息系统(Master of Science in Business Information Systems)---
国际会计(MA in International Accounting)---
国际会计学(Master of Arts in International Accounting)---
国际商业(Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business)---
国际研究(MA in International Studies)---
国际研究(Master of Arts in International Studies)---
国际经济法(Master of Laws in International Economic Law)---
土木及建筑工程(Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering )---
土木及结构工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering)---
土木和建筑工程(建筑施工成本管理)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Construction Cost Management))---
土木和建筑工程(建筑服务)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Services))---
城市管理(MA in Urban Management)---
多媒体信息科技(Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology)---
媒体与传播(Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication)---
屋宇装备工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services Engineering)---
工业工程工程管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)---
工商数量分析(Master of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business)---
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)---
工程管理学(Master of Science in Engineering Management)---
市场营销(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing)---
市场营销学(Master of Science in Marketing)---
应用心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology)---
应用物理学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics)---
应用生物学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology)---
应用社会学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology)---
应用社会学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology)---
应用经济学(Master of Science in Applied Economics)---
建筑学(Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies)---
建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture)---
建造工程及管理(Bachelor of Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management)---
建造管理(MSc in Construction Management )---
心理学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology)---
房屋学(Master of Arts in Housing Studies)---
教育心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Psychology of Education)---
数码电视与广播(Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting)---
整合营销传播(Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication)---
整合营销传播学(MA in Integrated Marketing Communication)---
文化与文化产业管理(Bachelor of Arts in Culture and Heritage Management)---
文学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media)---
文学硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Arts in Creative Media)---
新媒体(Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media)---
普通法(Master of Laws in Common Law)---
机电一体化工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering)---
材料工程及纳米科技(Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology)---
材料工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Engineering)---
核子及风险工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk Engineering)---
法学硕士(Master of Laws)---
法律博士(Juris Doctor)---
法律学学士(Bachelor of Laws)---
法律硕士(国际经济法)(Master of Laws (International Economic Law))---
法律硕士(海上运输法)(Master of Laws(Maritime and Transportation Law))---
法律硕士(通用)(Master of Laws (General) )---
测量学(Bachelor of Science in Surveying)---
海事法与运输法(Master of Laws in Maritime and Transportation Law)---
犯罪学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology)---
环保政策(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Environmental Policy)---
环境科学和技术(MSc in Environmental Science and Technology)---
环境科技(Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology )---
环球企业管理(Master of Arts in Global Business Management)---
环球商业系统管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Systems Management)---
现代亚洲研究(Master of Arts in Modern Asian Studies)---
理学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media)---
生物工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering)---
电子信息工程学(Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering)---
电子及通讯工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Communication Engineering)---
电子商业及知识管理(Master of Science in Electronic Business and Knowledge Management)---
电子商贸(Master of Science in Electronic Commerce)---
电子物流及科技管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in e-Logistics and Technology Management)---
电子计算机工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering)---
知识产权与科技法(Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law)---
社会工作(Bachelor of Arts in Social Work)---
社会工作(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Social Work)---
社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work)---
组织管理学(Master of Science in Organizational Management)---
翻译及传译(Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation)---
能源及环境(Master of Science in Energy and Environment)---
能源和环境科学(MSc in Energy and Environment)---
能源科学及工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering)---
艺术硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media)---
英语语言(Bachelor of Arts in English Studies)---
英语语言(Master of Arts in English Studies)---
营运与供应链管理(Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management)---
营销信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Information Management)---
行政人员工商管理硕士 (此课程以中文教授)(Executive Master of Business Administration (This programme will be taught in Chinese.))---
行政人员工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration)---
计算数学(Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics)---
计算机科学(Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)---
计算机科学(Master of Science in Computer Science)---
语文学(Master of Arts in Language Studies)---
语言学及语言应用(Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications)---
辅导学(Master of Social Sciences in Counselling)---
都市管理(Master of Arts in Urban Management)---
都市设计与规划学硕士(Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning)---
金融(Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance)---
金融与精算数学(Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science)---
金融学(Master of Science in Finance)---
金融工程学(Master of Science in Financial Engineering)---
金融工程硕士(MSc in Financial Engineering)---
金融服务学(Master of Science in Financial Services)---
银行及金融服务(Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Financial Services)---
中国企业管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in China Business)本科商科48个月
人力资源管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management)本科商科48个月
会计(Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy)本科商科48个月
信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management)本科商科48个月
商业分析(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analysis)本科商科48个月
商业经济(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics)本科商科48个月
商业营运管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Operations Management)本科商科48个月
国际商业(Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business)本科商科48个月
市场营销(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing)本科商科48个月
环球商业系统管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Systems Management)本科商科48个月
营销信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Information Management)本科商科48个月
金融(Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance)本科商科48个月
银行及金融服务(Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Financial Services)本科商科48个月
专业会计与企业管治(Master of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance)硕士商科12个月
信息系统管理(Master of Science in Information Systems Management)硕士商科12个月
全球商业管理(MA in Global Business Management)硕士商科12个月
商务信息系统(Master of Science in Business Information Systems)硕士商科12个月
国际会计(MA in International Accounting)硕士商科12个月
国际会计学(Master of Arts in International Accounting)硕士商科12个月
工商数量分析(Master of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business)硕士商科12个月
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)硕士商科12个月
应用经济学(Master of Science in Applied Economics)硕士商科12个月
环球企业管理(Master of Arts in Global Business Management)硕士商科12个月
电子商业及知识管理(Master of Science in Electronic Business and Knowledge Management)硕士商科12个月
组织管理学(Master of Science in Organizational Management)硕士商科12个月
营运与供应链管理(Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management)硕士商科12个月
行政人员工商管理硕士 (此课程以中文教授)(Executive Master of Business Administration (This programme will be taught in Chinese.))硕士商科12个月
行政人员工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration)硕士商科12个月
金融学(Master of Science in Finance)硕士商科12个月
金融工程学(Master of Science in Financial Engineering)硕士商科12个月
金融工程硕士(MSc in Financial Engineering)硕士商科12个月
金融服务学(Master of Science in Financial Services)硕士商科12个月
信息工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering)本科工科48个月
全质量安全监控工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Total Quality Engineering)本科工科48个月
创意媒体(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media)本科工科48个月
制造系统工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering)本科工科48个月
土木及结构工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering)本科工科48个月
屋宇装备工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services Engineering)本科工科48个月
工业工程及工程管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management)本科工科48个月
应用物理学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics)本科工科48个月
应用生物学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology)本科工科48个月
建筑学(Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies)本科工科48个月
建造工程及管理(Bachelor of Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management)本科工科48个月
机电一体化工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering)本科工科48个月
材料工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Engineering)本科工科48个月
核子及风险工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk Engineering)本科工科48个月
测量学(Bachelor of Science in Surveying)本科工科48个月
生物工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering)本科工科48个月
电子及通讯工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Communication Engineering)本科工科48个月
电子物流及科技管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in e-Logistics and Technology Management)本科工科48个月
电子计算机工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering)本科工科48个月
能源科学及工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering)本科工科48个月
计算数学(Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics)本科工科48个月
计算机科学(Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)本科工科48个月
先进科技及管理学(Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management)硕士工科12个月
土木及建筑工程(Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering )硕士工科12个月
土木和建筑工程(建筑施工成本管理)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Construction Cost Management))硕士工科12个月
土木和建筑工程(建筑服务)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Services))硕士工科12个月
多媒体信息科技(Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology)硕士工科12个月
工程管理学(Master of Science in Engineering Management)硕士工科12个月
建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture)硕士工科12个月
建造管理(MSc in Construction Management )硕士工科12个月
材料工程及纳米科技(Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology)硕士工科12个月
环境科学和技术(MSc in Environmental Science and Technology)硕士工科12个月
环境科技(Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology )硕士工科12个月
电子信息工程学(Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering)硕士工科12个月
电子商贸(Master of Science in Electronic Commerce)硕士工科12个月
能源及环境(Master of Science in Energy and Environment)硕士工科12个月
计算机科学(Master of Science in Computer Science)硕士工科12个月
都市设计与规划学硕士(Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning)硕士工科12个月
金融与精算数学(Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science)硕士工科12个月
理学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media)本科理科48个月
能源和环境科学(MSc in Energy and Environment)硕士理科12个月
亚洲及国际研究(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Asian and International Studies)本科社科48个月
公共政策与政治(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Politics)本科社科48个月
应用社会学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology)本科社科48个月
心理学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology)本科社科48个月
法律学学士(Bachelor of Laws)本科社科48个月
犯罪学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology)本科社科48个月
环保政策(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Environmental Policy)本科社科48个月
社会工作(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Social Work)本科社科48个月
中国法与比较法(Master of Laws in Chinese and Comparative Law )硕士社科12个月
仲裁及争议解决学(Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution)硕士社科12个月
仲裁和调解纠纷法学(LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution)硕士社科12个月
发展研究(Master of Social Sciences in Development Studies)硕士社科12个月
国际经济法(Master of Laws in International Economic Law)硕士社科12个月
应用心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology)硕士社科12个月
应用社会学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology)硕士社科12个月
教育心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Psychology of Education)硕士社科12个月
普通法(Master of Laws in Common Law)硕士社科12个月
法学硕士(Master of Laws)硕士社科12个月
法律博士(Juris Doctor)硕士社科12个月
法律硕士(国际经济法)(Master of Laws (International Economic Law))硕士社科12个月
法律硕士(海上运输法)(Master of Laws(Maritime and Transportation Law))硕士社科12个月
法律硕士(通用)(Master of Laws (General) )硕士社科12个月
海事法与运输法(Master of Laws in Maritime and Transportation Law)硕士社科12个月
知识产权与科技法(Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law)硕士社科12个月
社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work)硕士社科12个月
辅导学(Master of Social Sciences in Counselling)硕士社科12个月
中文(Bachelor of Arts in Chinese)本科艺术与人文48个月
媒体与传播(Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication)本科艺术与人文48个月
数码电视与广播(Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting)本科艺术与人文48个月
文化与文化产业管理(Bachelor of Arts in Culture and Heritage Management)本科艺术与人文48个月
文学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media)本科艺术与人文48个月
新媒体(Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media)本科艺术与人文48个月
社会工作(Bachelor of Arts in Social Work)本科艺术与人文48个月
翻译及传译(Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation)本科艺术与人文48个月
英语语言(Bachelor of Arts in English Studies)本科艺术与人文48个月
语言学及语言应用(Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications)本科艺术与人文48个月
中国研究(Master of Arts in China Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
中文(Master of Arts in Chinese)硕士艺术与人文12个月
传播与新媒体(Master of Arts in Communication and New Media)硕士艺术与人文12个月
公共政策及管理(Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management)硕士艺术与人文12个月
创意媒体(媒体文化)(MA in Creative Media(Media Cultures))硕士艺术与人文12个月
创意媒体(管理艺术和媒体)(MA in Creative Media(Curating Art and Media))硕士艺术与人文12个月
创意媒体硕士(MFA in Creative Media)硕士艺术与人文12个月
国际研究(MA in International Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
国际研究(Master of Arts in International Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
城市管理(MA in Urban Management)硕士艺术与人文12个月
房屋学(Master of Arts in Housing Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
整合营销传播(Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication)硕士艺术与人文12个月
整合营销传播学(MA in Integrated Marketing Communication)硕士艺术与人文12个月
文学硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Arts in Creative Media)硕士艺术与人文12个月
现代亚洲研究(Master of Arts in Modern Asian Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work)硕士艺术与人文12个月
艺术硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media)硕士艺术与人文12个月
英语语言(Master of Arts in English Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
语文学(Master of Arts in Language Studies)硕士艺术与人文12个月
都市管理(Master of Arts in Urban Management)硕士艺术与人文12个月




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