2025-02-14 17:09:52 | 谋考网
开设名称 | 学位类型 | 专业方向 | 学制 |
专业会计与企业管治(Master of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance) | - | - | - |
中国企业管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in China Business) | - | - | - |
中国法与比较法(Master of Laws in Chinese and Comparative Law ) | - | - | - |
中国研究(Master of Arts in China Studies) | - | - | - |
中文(Bachelor of Arts in Chinese) | - | - | - |
中文(Master of Arts in Chinese) | - | - | - |
亚洲及国际研究(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Asian and International Studies) | - | - | - |
人力资源管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management) | - | - | - |
仲裁及争议解决学(Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) | - | - | - |
仲裁和调解纠纷法学(LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) | - | - | - |
会计(Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy) | - | - | - |
传播与新媒体(Master of Arts in Communication and New Media) | - | - | - |
信息工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering) | - | - | - |
信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management) | - | - | - |
信息系统管理(Master of Science in Information Systems Management) | - | - | - |
先进科技及管理学(Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management) | - | - | - |
全球商业管理(MA in Global Business Management) | - | - | - |
全质量安全监控工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Total Quality Engineering) | - | - | - |
公共政策与政治(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Politics) | - | - | - |
公共政策及管理(Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management) | - | - | - |
创意媒体(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media) | - | - | - |
创意媒体(媒体文化)(MA in Creative Media(Media Cultures)) | - | - | - |
创意媒体(管理艺术和媒体)(MA in Creative Media(Curating Art and Media)) | - | - | - |
创意媒体硕士(MFA in Creative Media) | - | - | - |
制造系统工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering) | - | - | - |
发展研究(Master of Social Sciences in Development Studies) | - | - | - |
商业分析(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analysis) | - | - | - |
商业经济(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics) | - | - | - |
商业营运管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Operations Management) | - | - | - |
商务信息系统(Master of Science in Business Information Systems) | - | - | - |
国际会计(MA in International Accounting) | - | - | - |
国际会计学(Master of Arts in International Accounting) | - | - | - |
国际商业(Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business) | - | - | - |
国际研究(MA in International Studies) | - | - | - |
国际研究(Master of Arts in International Studies) | - | - | - |
国际经济法(Master of Laws in International Economic Law) | - | - | - |
土木及建筑工程(Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering ) | - | - | - |
土木及结构工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering) | - | - | - |
土木和建筑工程(建筑施工成本管理)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Construction Cost Management)) | - | - | - |
土木和建筑工程(建筑服务)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Services)) | - | - | - |
城市管理(MA in Urban Management) | - | - | - |
多媒体信息科技(Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology) | - | - | - |
媒体与传播(Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication) | - | - | - |
屋宇装备工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services Engineering) | - | - | - |
工业工程及工程管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) | - | - | - |
工商数量分析(Master of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business) | - | - | - |
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration) | - | - | - |
工商管理硕士(MBA) | - | - | - |
工程管理学(Master of Science in Engineering Management) | - | - | - |
市场营销(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing) | - | - | - |
市场营销学(Master of Science in Marketing) | - | - | - |
应用心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology) | - | - | - |
应用物理学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics) | - | - | - |
应用生物学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology) | - | - | - |
应用社会学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology) | - | - | - |
应用社会学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology) | - | - | - |
应用经济学(Master of Science in Applied Economics) | - | - | - |
建筑学(Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies) | - | - | - |
建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture) | - | - | - |
建造工程及管理(Bachelor of Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management) | - | - | - |
建造管理(MSc in Construction Management ) | - | - | - |
心理学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology) | - | - | - |
房屋学(Master of Arts in Housing Studies) | - | - | - |
教育心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Psychology of Education) | - | - | - |
数码电视与广播(Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting) | - | - | - |
整合营销传播(Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication) | - | - | - |
整合营销传播学(MA in Integrated Marketing Communication) | - | - | - |
文化与文化产业管理(Bachelor of Arts in Culture and Heritage Management) | - | - | - |
文学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media) | - | - | - |
文学硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Arts in Creative Media) | - | - | - |
新媒体(Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media) | - | - | - |
普通法(Master of Laws in Common Law) | - | - | - |
机电一体化工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering) | - | - | - |
材料工程及纳米科技(Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology) | - | - | - |
材料工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Engineering) | - | - | - |
核子及风险工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk Engineering) | - | - | - |
法学硕士(Master of Laws) | - | - | - |
法律博士(Juris Doctor) | - | - | - |
法律学学士(Bachelor of Laws) | - | - | - |
法律硕士(国际经济法)(Master of Laws (International Economic Law)) | - | - | - |
法律硕士(海上运输法)(Master of Laws(Maritime and Transportation Law)) | - | - | - |
法律硕士(通用)(Master of Laws (General) ) | - | - | - |
测量学(Bachelor of Science in Surveying) | - | - | - |
海事法与运输法(Master of Laws in Maritime and Transportation Law) | - | - | - |
犯罪学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology) | - | - | - |
环保政策(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Environmental Policy) | - | - | - |
环境科学和技术(MSc in Environmental Science and Technology) | - | - | - |
环境科技(Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology ) | - | - | - |
环球企业管理(Master of Arts in Global Business Management) | - | - | - |
环球商业系统管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Systems Management) | - | - | - |
现代亚洲研究(Master of Arts in Modern Asian Studies) | - | - | - |
理学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media) | - | - | - |
生物工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering) | - | - | - |
电子信息工程学(Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering) | - | - | - |
电子及通讯工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Communication Engineering) | - | - | - |
电子商业及知识管理(Master of Science in Electronic Business and Knowledge Management) | - | - | - |
电子商贸(Master of Science in Electronic Commerce) | - | - | - |
电子物流及科技管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in e-Logistics and Technology Management) | - | - | - |
电子计算机工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering) | - | - | - |
知识产权与科技法(Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law) | - | - | - |
社会工作(Bachelor of Arts in Social Work) | - | - | - |
社会工作(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Social Work) | - | - | - |
社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work) | - | - | - |
组织管理学(Master of Science in Organizational Management) | - | - | - |
翻译及传译(Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation) | - | - | - |
能源及环境(Master of Science in Energy and Environment) | - | - | - |
能源和环境科学(MSc in Energy and Environment) | - | - | - |
能源科学及工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering) | - | - | - |
艺术硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media) | - | - | - |
英语语言(Bachelor of Arts in English Studies) | - | - | - |
英语语言(Master of Arts in English Studies) | - | - | - |
营运与供应链管理(Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management) | - | - | - |
营销信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Information Management) | - | - | - |
行政人员工商管理硕士 (此课程以中文教授)(Executive Master of Business Administration (This programme will be taught in Chinese.)) | - | - | - |
行政人员工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration) | - | - | - |
计算数学(Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics) | - | - | - |
计算机科学(Bachelor of Science in Computer Science) | - | - | - |
计算机科学(Master of Science in Computer Science) | - | - | - |
语文学(Master of Arts in Language Studies) | - | - | - |
语言学及语言应用(Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications) | - | - | - |
辅导学(Master of Social Sciences in Counselling) | - | - | - |
都市管理(Master of Arts in Urban Management) | - | - | - |
都市设计与规划学硕士(Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning) | - | - | - |
金融(Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance) | - | - | - |
金融与精算数学(Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science) | - | - | - |
金融学(Master of Science in Finance) | - | - | - |
金融工程学(Master of Science in Financial Engineering) | - | - | - |
金融工程硕士(MSc in Financial Engineering) | - | - | - |
金融服务学(Master of Science in Financial Services) | - | - | - |
银行及金融服务(Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Financial Services) | - | - | - |
中国企业管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in China Business) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
人力资源管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources Management) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
会计(Bachelor of Business Administration in Accountancy) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
商业分析(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analysis) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
商业经济(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Economics) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
商业营运管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Operations Management) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
国际商业(Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
市场营销(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
环球商业系统管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Global Business Systems Management) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
营销信息管理(Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing Information Management) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
金融(Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
银行及金融服务(Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking and Financial Services) | 本科 | 商科 | 48个月 |
专业会计与企业管治(Master of Science in Professional Accounting and Corporate Governance) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
信息系统管理(Master of Science in Information Systems Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
全球商业管理(MA in Global Business Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
商务信息系统(Master of Science in Business Information Systems) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
国际会计(MA in International Accounting) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
国际会计学(Master of Arts in International Accounting) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
工商数量分析(Master of Arts in Quantitative Analysis for Business) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
工商管理硕士(MBA) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
应用经济学(Master of Science in Applied Economics) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
环球企业管理(Master of Arts in Global Business Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
电子商业及知识管理(Master of Science in Electronic Business and Knowledge Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
组织管理学(Master of Science in Organizational Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
营运与供应链管理(Master of Science in Operations and Supply Chain Management) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
行政人员工商管理硕士 (此课程以中文教授)(Executive Master of Business Administration (This programme will be taught in Chinese.)) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
行政人员工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
金融学(Master of Science in Finance) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
金融工程学(Master of Science in Financial Engineering) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
金融工程硕士(MSc in Financial Engineering) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
金融服务学(Master of Science in Financial Services) | 硕士 | 商科 | 12个月 |
信息工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Information Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
全质量安全监控工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Total Quality Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
创意媒体(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
制造系统工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
土木及结构工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Structural Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
屋宇装备工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Building Services Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
工业工程及工程管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
应用物理学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
应用生物学(Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
建筑学(Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
建造工程及管理(Bachelor of Engineering in Construction Engineering and Management) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
机电一体化工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
材料工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Materials Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
核子及风险工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear and Risk Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
测量学(Bachelor of Science in Surveying) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
生物工程(Bachelor of Engineering in Bioengineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
电子及通讯工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic and Communication Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
电子物流及科技管理学(Bachelor of Engineering in e-Logistics and Technology Management) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
电子计算机工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
能源科学及工程学(Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
计算数学(Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
计算机科学(Bachelor of Science in Computer Science) | 本科 | 工科 | 48个月 |
先进科技及管理学(Master of Science in Advanced Technology and Management) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
土木及建筑工程(Master of Science in Civil and Architectural Engineering ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
土木和建筑工程(建筑施工成本管理)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Construction Cost Management)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
土木和建筑工程(建筑服务)(MSc in Civil and Architectural Engineering (Building Services)) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
多媒体信息科技(Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
工程管理学(Master of Science in Engineering Management) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
建筑学硕士(Master of Architecture) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
建造管理(MSc in Construction Management ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
材料工程及纳米科技(Master of Science in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
环境科学和技术(MSc in Environmental Science and Technology) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
环境科技(Master of Science in Environmental Science and Technology ) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电子信息工程学(Master of Science in Electronic Information Engineering) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
电子商贸(Master of Science in Electronic Commerce) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
能源及环境(Master of Science in Energy and Environment) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
计算机科学(Master of Science in Computer Science) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
都市设计与规划学硕士(Master of Urban Design and Regional Planning) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
金融与精算数学(Master of Science in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science) | 硕士 | 工科 | 12个月 |
理学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Science in Creative Media) | 本科 | 理科 | 48个月 |
能源和环境科学(MSc in Energy and Environment) | 硕士 | 理科 | 12个月 |
亚洲及国际研究(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Asian and International Studies) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
公共政策与政治(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Policy and Politics) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
应用社会学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
心理学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
法律学学士(Bachelor of Laws) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
犯罪学(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Criminology) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
环保政策(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Environmental Policy) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
社会工作(Bachelor of Social Sciences in Social Work) | 本科 | 社科 | 48个月 |
中国法与比较法(Master of Laws in Chinese and Comparative Law ) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
仲裁及争议解决学(Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
仲裁和调解纠纷法学(LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
发展研究(Master of Social Sciences in Development Studies) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
国际经济法(Master of Laws in International Economic Law) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
应用心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
应用社会学(Master of Social Sciences in Applied Sociology) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
教育心理学(Master of Social Sciences in Psychology of Education) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
普通法(Master of Laws in Common Law) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
法学硕士(Master of Laws) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
法律博士(Juris Doctor) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
法律硕士(国际经济法)(Master of Laws (International Economic Law)) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
法律硕士(海上运输法)(Master of Laws(Maritime and Transportation Law)) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
法律硕士(通用)(Master of Laws (General) ) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
海事法与运输法(Master of Laws in Maritime and Transportation Law) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
知识产权与科技法(Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Technology Law) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
辅导学(Master of Social Sciences in Counselling) | 硕士 | 社科 | 12个月 |
中文(Bachelor of Arts in Chinese) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
媒体与传播(Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
数码电视与广播(Bachelor of Arts in Digital Television and Broadcasting) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
文化与文化产业管理(Bachelor of Arts in Culture and Heritage Management) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
文学士(创意媒体)(Bachelor of Arts in Creative Media) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
新媒体(Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
社会工作(Bachelor of Arts in Social Work) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
翻译及传译(Bachelor of Arts in Translation and Interpretation) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
英语语言(Bachelor of Arts in English Studies) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
语言学及语言应用(Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Language Applications) | 本科 | 艺术与人文 | 48个月 |
中国研究(Master of Arts in China Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
中文(Master of Arts in Chinese) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
传播与新媒体(Master of Arts in Communication and New Media) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
公共政策及管理(Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
创意媒体(媒体文化)(MA in Creative Media(Media Cultures)) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
创意媒体(管理艺术和媒体)(MA in Creative Media(Curating Art and Media)) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
创意媒体硕士(MFA in Creative Media) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
国际研究(MA in International Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
国际研究(Master of Arts in International Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
城市管理(MA in Urban Management) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
房屋学(Master of Arts in Housing Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
整合营销传播(Master of Arts in Integrated Marketing Communication) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
整合营销传播学(MA in Integrated Marketing Communication) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
文学硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Arts in Creative Media) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
现代亚洲研究(Master of Arts in Modern Asian Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
社会工作硕士(Master of Social Work) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
艺术硕士(创意媒体)(Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
英语语言(Master of Arts in English Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
语文学(Master of Arts in Language Studies) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
都市管理(Master of Arts in Urban Management) | 硕士 | 艺术与人文 | 12个月 |
更多数据请进入:www.moukao.com/yszy |
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